Switch Dodger is a switch accessible car game. With this friendly activity, you can loop your car around in space dodging the asteroids. This is a fun activity for early learners and others who may struggle with more complex games.
Click or tap the button above and the app will launch filling the screen or window.
If the app fills the window, maximise the window to full screen and the app will run as full screen.
Press ESC key or click/tap the X button to close the app.
How to Use
Switch Dodger has three lives per game, you can change the car spin speed. To start the car looping, tap the screen, press the keyboard or the XBox controller (any button). Tap the button again to reverse the direction of the car looping. Avoid the asteroids. You can change the speed of the car looping. The aim is to survive for as long as you can, or until you have had enough!