28th June, 2023

Sensory Readable Range Downloads

Readable Suite for Windows Bundle (.exe installer)

Download Sensory Readable Suite for Windows DSA/Education Bundle with a Vocalizer Voice download options. This installer includes Readable for Windows, Sensory Tint, Sensory Ruler, Sensory PDF Reader, Sensory PDF Convert within one installer.  Add more Vocalizer voices by downloading individually from the voices list.


Readable Suite for Windows Bundle with Vocalizer Voice Options 57MB

Download Readable Suite for Windows Bundle with Vocalizer Voice download options. Readable Suite includes Readable for Windows, Sensory Tint, Sensory Ruler, Sensory PDF Reader, Sensory PDF Convert within one installer.  Add more Vocalizer voices by downloading individually from the...

Readable Suite for Windows – .msi installer for PC system builders and network installation

Download Sensory Readable Suite for Windows .msi installer. The file includes Readable for Windows, Sensory Tint, Sensory Ruler, Sensory PDF Reader, Sensory PDF Convert within one .msi installer.


Readable Suite for Windows (.MSI Installer) - no updater 56MB

Download Sensory Readable Suite for Windows .msi installer. The file includes Readable for Windows, Sensory Tint, Sensory Ruler, Sensory PDF Reader, Sensory PDF Convert within one .msi installer. Installation Tips Double click the .msi file Once the installation is complete, you...


Readable for Windows Suite Bundle individual installers

Click item link to see individual download details. These are the individual .msi installers for these programs, do not include the automatic updater, should you only want to install certain programs from the Readable Suite.


Readable for Windows (.MSI Installer) - no updater 56MB

Download Sensory Readable for Windows .msi installer. This build has no built in updater, and does not automatically offer Vocalizer voice downloads. These can be installed from the Vocalizer voice installer msi files. Readable will use the built in Microsoft text to speech voices...

Sensory Tint for Windows - no updater 3MB

Download Sensory Tint for Windows .msi installer. No automatic updater included. ...

Sensory Ruler for Windows - No Updater 3MB

Download Sensory Ruler for Windows .msi installer. This installer has no prerequisites, and does not include an automatic updater. ...

Sensory PDF Reader for Windows 17MB

Download Sensory PDF Reader for Windows .msi installer. This build does not contain an automatic updater. ...

Sensory PDF Convert for Windows - No updater 25MB

Download Sensory PDF Convert for Windows .msi installer. No automatic updater included. ...

Microsoft Power Toys Dependency 249MB

Download Microsoft Power Toys for windows (.msi installer), to enable Text Extractor in Readable for Windows and provide other power tools. Once Microsoft Power Toys is installed, it is worth checking that the Text Extractor function is turned on. ...



Vocalizer UK TTS Voices

Click item link to see individual download details. Download and double click the .msi to run and install the voice on your computer. The voice will appear inside Readable voices settings panel.


Vocalizer TTS - 8 UK English voices 1230MB

Download all Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voices - UK English Voices. The download file is 1.23GB size. (Serena, Daniel, Kate, Fiona, Moira, Stephanie, Oliver, Malcolm) Instructions - download the file and save to your local drive. The file is a compressed zip file Vocalizer-8UKvoices.zip....

Vocalizer TTS voice - Daniel (UK) 185MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Daniel - UK English ...

Vocalizer for Windows TTS voice - Fiona (UK Scottish) 99MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Fiona - UK Scottish female ...

Vocalizer TTS voice - Kate (UK) 73MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Kate - UK English female. ...

Vocalizer TTS voice - Malcolm (UK) 177MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Malcolm - UK English male. ...

Vocalizer for Windows TTS voice - Moira (Irish) 151MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Moira - Irish female ...

Vocalizer TTS voice - Oliver (UK) 71MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Oliver - UK English male. ...

Vocalizer TTS voice - Serena (UK) 224MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Serena - UK English female. ...

Vocalizer TTS voice - Stephanie (UK) 231MB

Download Vocalizer for Windows Text To Speech voice - Stephanie - UK English female. ...