iMeba is a simple strong visual app for people with special/complex needs of ALL ages. It is visually stimulating and suitable for a range of abilities. Tap buttons to change effect. iMeba is available on the App Stores, just click the link for your device. iMeba functions differ slightly between operating system chosen.
Live iMeba Demo
Click run the live demo.
Above is a live demo of the iMeba app.
iMeba, like all Sensory App House apps, do not contain advertising.
Get iMeba (free)
It is possible to license the Sensory Web Apps to run from your own servers. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to license the web apps for use on your network or in your application.
Preview Video of iMeba on iPad
Switch Access and Adaptive XBox Controller
Sensory iMeba style can be chosen using touch/mouse and the silver buttons. The app can also be controlled by using an XBox controller or the Microsoft Adaptive Controller with any suitable switch inputs. Keyboard control (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, space,+,-,Enter) also allows the desired abstract effect to be chosen. The app control buttons can be hidden with a keypress 5.
Read more about the Bluetooth switch access and the Microsoft Adaptive Controller here.
Contact us at [email protected] if you have any technical or licensing queries.