Here is a gallery showing all the videos uploaded to our YouTube site. Most recent are shown first.
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How to install Sensory Readable Suite V2
How to Check Sensory Readable Version & Update
How to Uninstall Sensory Readable Windows
Readable Web Extension for Safari MacOS Browser
Sensory Readable Overview short version
Readable Extension in Chromebook
PiCom AAC Communicator - how to save edited template boards on iPad
Sensory Markers for Windows
Sensory Readable Assessor Video - 2 minute overview
CoPilot Rewrite function with Sensory Readable proofreading
Sensory Readable speaking in Blackboard Learning Platform
Sensory PDF Reader Exams
Readable with Word Spellcheck
Readable Consultation 20m
Sensory Readable Overview
Select text and it speaks - with Sensory Readable
Sensory Readable speaking Outlook e-mail.
Sensory Readable turns text page to MP3 audio
ReadablePDF Exam Reader - text speaking options
Sensory Readable speaking Microsoft Edge