AlphaDrop is a fun activity for early learners and others who may struggle with more complex games. Drop letter blocks from the sky (A-E), maybe shout out the name of the letter when it lands!
AlphaDrop is a fully switch accessible resource, and you try to stack as many letter and number blocks, as high as you can, within the time limit. AlphaDrop remembers your last score.
There is a practice mode and then 3 timed modes, with upper case letter and also numbers with a smaller and shrinking stacking platform for each mode.
AlphaDrop Live WebApp

Click/tap above to run the live web app. Sensory AlphaDrop contains no adverts on requires no end user login. This app does not collect any face or other data, and does not request access to camera or microphone.
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Switch Access and Adaptive XBox Controller
You can use a wide range of access switches and also the Microsoft Adaptive Controller/XBox controller. AlphaDrop also responds to screen tap, mouse pointer device as well as external keyboard control (space, enter, 1, 2)
Read more about the Bluetooth switch access and the Microsoft Adaptive Controller here.
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