8th June, 2015

Electra – touch lightning!

About Electra

Electra is a simple stimulating app for people with special/complex needs of all ages. It is visually stimulating and suitable for a range of abilities. One of our best downloading apps over the years.

Electra responds to taps and up to 3 finger simultaneous touch movements. Tap to change effect. Touch with 1, 2 or 3 fingers to (simulate) shock!

Live Electra Demo

Click below to launch the free instant live demo.

Instant App Demo – Click or Tap above

Electra (and all Sensory App House apps) do not contain advertising.

Get Electra

ios app store downloadGet it on google playGet it from MicrosoftSensory Live Badge

The original version of Electra is still available on the Chrome Webstore, but we recommend to download the latest version for Chromebook and Android from the Google Play Store.

It is possible to license the Sensory Web Apps to run from your own servers. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to license the web apps for use on your network or in your application.

Preview Video – Electra on iOS

Sensory Electra

Switch Access and Adaptive XBox Controller

Electra can be controlled by assistive technology switches that produce character codes (1, 2, 3, 4 & ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4) – all produce a reaction.

  • Switch 1: Shock and change effect.
  • Switch 2: Change left anchor for effect.
  • Switch 3: Change left and right anchors for effect.
  • Switch 4: Change right anchor for effect.

Electra also now supports the XBox controller or Microsoft Adaptive Controller on many devices (including Chromebook). The spark can be changed by hitting A. B, X and Y control other app effects. As of Nov 2020, the current Sensory iOS Apps cannot yet support the XBox Controller, unless the Sensory App is accessed live online using the Safari browser.

Read more about the Bluetooth switch access and the Microsoft Adaptive Controller here.

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any technical or licensing queries.