24th February, 2021

Switch Bounce

Switch Bounce is a switch accessible fun activity. Bounce the frog across the pond or the monkey through the trees…Each path is different on every run through, and a nice round of applause at the end. This is a fun activity for early learners and others who may struggle with more complex games or activities. Learn to anticipate by moving the character to the left or right, whilst it bounces around.

You can use a wide range of access switches and also the Microsoft Adaptive Controller/XBox controller, on most devices and computers. Switch Bounce also responds to screen tap, mouse pointer device as well as external keyboard control (space, enter, 1, 2).

Switch Bounce Live Demo


Sensory Switch Bounce contains no adverts, does not require a subscription and does not collect data.

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Preview Video

Switch Bounce App Preview


Switch Access and Adaptive XBox Controller

The Switch Bounce activity screen can be controlled by an external keyboard and external bluetooth access switches, as well as by mouse/pointing device, XBox Controller, Microsoft Adaptive controller.